Self-discipline and non-dependency pay you more

    Mr. Chandrasekar started a new business and wanted to hire a Manager for his office.  He interviewed more persons and at last selected 3 persons (Ramu, Vikram, and Rahul) for the final interview.  They were asked to come to his house which was in Mumbai. As all of them were staying outside Mumbai, they were asked to report the earlier day of the interview. When all of them gathered and entered the house and felt happy seeing the neat huge bungalow.  Each of them was allotted one room. They took rest nicely and reported to the interview at 9 a.m. sharp.  They stood and wished Mr.chandrasekar as he entered the drawing hall.  With a huge smile in his face, he wished them back and hanged a card holding ‘selected’’ wordings in Vikram’s shoulder. Vikram was surprised when the other two were shocked noticing this.  They asked him the basis on which Vikram was selected.  He took all the three to the rooms they stayed last night.  Initially, they entered Ramu’s room which was not at all clean.  He did not the role the bed, hair was in the comb, his dresses were lying here and there in the room.  Ramu felt guilty and got ready to accept his defeat.  But Rahul was not ready to accept this as he had kept his room neat and clean which showed his self-discipline.  So when he asked the reason for not selecting him, Mr.Chandrasekar  told that he had asked his servant to close the inlet pipe of water which was fixed out, in all the three rooms to notice how do they manage.  When both Ramu and Rahul immediately called the servant for help, Vikram himself checked and noticed the closure of the inlet pipe and he  opened it.  So it showed his observation and non-dependency on others.

So self-discipline and self-reliance are more important for a good future.

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