A poor lady with two children went to a ration shop to get rice as she did not have rice to cook even for that day.  She stood in a queue watching the people getting rice and observed the quality of rice they were getting.  When she was behind a person who was billed at the ration shop she observed the quality of the rice, the previous person was getting.  It was not that good and the sack had only about 5kgs. Of rice.  So she allowed two persons behind her to get the ration and to manage she told them that she had to wait for her husband to come. She could see an old lady  standing and watching her.

      After 10 minutes when her turn came as she noticed the rice which was  better than the previous sack which again had only 3 kgs, left.  So she allowed two more persons behind them to get the ration and told the same reason.  But when her  turn came she got shocked when she was told that the stock of rice got over and they would receive it only after one week. She  could not stop her cry  and everyone noticed her.  The old lady standing there came rushing and asked the reason.  When she told the fact the old lady said that what she had guessed was right and handed over the bag she had to her.  She opened and saw 5kgs of rice and felt happy.  She thanked the old lady.  The old lady advised her to accept the thing that she gets whenever it is very much needed.


One thought on “DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH”
  1. Enjoyed reading your stories Sanjay 🙂 Well done. keep writing. Would be very helpful for the bed time stories of my grandson

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